01535 633116

Aims and Values

 "LIFE - Learn, Inspire, Flourish, Engage"

'At Bradleys Both, we provide a happy, creative environment where children establish the building blocks for their lifelong adventure in learning and achievement'.



Children playing drums

  • We provide children with a safe and happy environment
  • We foster mutual respect and understanding of others.
  • Every voice is valued.
  • We provide a rich and exciting curriculum leading to purposeful learning.
  • We encourage and celebrate opportunities for personal and social development.
  • We recognise every child as an individual.
  • We promote a supportive partnership between home and school.
  • We establish building blocks for a lifelong adventure in learning and achievement

Our Bradleys Both SUPER POWER approach to school is to:

1. Always LISTEN to other people and during your learning.

2. Remember to TALK at the right time - not when other people are talking or when you should be focusing on your learning task.

3. CARE about yourself, other people and our school.

4. Remember to THINK about your actions and your learning.

5. Use your MANNERS in and around school.