01535 633116



Children are admitted to Reception in accordance with the policy of North Yorkshire County Council.

Visits to the school are welcome. Please contact the school office, either by:

Telephone 01535 633116 or

Email admin@bradleysboth.n-yorks.sch.uk


Do you have a Reception age child who is looking for a school place for September 2025? 

Telephone 01535 633116 or email: admin@bradleysboth.n-yorks.sch.uk(link sends e-mail) to arrange a mutually convenient time to visit our school and see for yourself what we can provide for their first steps of learning. We do not hold open days to show parents around, but instead want you to visit on a typical day where you can see the children and staff at work and play. 

Mr Rogers, our Headteacher is keen to meet you and your child to tour the school facilities and share our teaching and learning approaches with you.  

We very much look forward to welcoming you to the Bradleys Both school family.  (August 2024)

Early Years Reception

All Reception aged children will join the school from September. As a community school, North Yorkshire's Admissions Team deals with applications for Reception admissions. Providing that you live within North Yorkshire, have registered with a local doctor, you should automatically receive information about the admission process.

NYCC prefer on-line applications and the school office can help with this if necessary, telephone 0845 8727374 or go to www.northyorks.gov.uk

Applying for school place September



Once we know your child has been offered a place a Bradleys Both Community Primary School, you will receive an invitation for  parents and their child to visit school. This is arranged during the Summer term before your child starts reception so we can welcome parents and children to our school and explain our induction programme. Our induction programme consists of an information meeting to which we invite new parents and visits for new children to meet their teacher, see their new classroom and experience some of the activities they will enjoy when they join our school. An induction pack is given to parents at this meeting. 

In Year Admissions Year 1 to 6

For families moving into the area, or for children changing schools during the year, in-year admissions to the school are dealt with by North Yorkshire County Council at www.northyorks.gov.uk or telephone the In-Year admissions team on 0845 8727374. Parents wishing to view the school are warmly welcomed. Please telephone the school office on 01535 633116.

"We look forward to welcoming you to Bradleys Both and showing you why we enjoy coming to school everyday!"

NYCC School Admissions

Applying for school place September 2024