Medical Detection Dogs Charity
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The children and staff are extremely proud of
Before retiring in March 2022, Holly, the Medical Alert Detection Dog became a real member of the Bradleys Both school family by accompanying Mrs Rogers, one of our Teaching Assistants to school each day. Holly was a registered assistance dog with a super sense of smell. She alerted Mrs Rogers, who has Type One Diabetes when her blood sugars are too high or low. Over the last twelve years, Holly alerted tens of thousands of times and helped to keep Mrs Rogers safe and out of hospital.
Holly became a favourite member of the school, working with different groups of children who Mrs Rogers supports. The children learnt so much about Holly’s role and how she helped to keep Mrs Rogers safe whilst living with Type One Diabetes. The children have a comprehensive understanding of Holly’s role and Mrs Rogers’ condition, becoming great ambassadors of Medical Detection Dogs. The children have previously recognised when Holly alerted a low blood sugar level and were often keen to congratulate her when she was correct.
Holly always brought a sense of calmness to classrooms and enjoyed listening to the children read. She would often rest on her bed, until she had to spring into action when she detected a change of odour from Mrs Rogers’ blood sugars. The children and staff have been overwhelmed at how clever Holly is and the important role she had as a Medical Alert Assistance dog.
Mrs Rogers and Holly even ran a ‘Dog Training’ activity module as part of the school’s Friday afternoon University activities. During this time groups of children learned about important training strategies and how to care for dogs. By the end of term nearly 50 children from the school had completed the module and enjoyed fun activities around dogs.
Holly will always be everyone's School Super Dog with a special super power.