01535 633116

University of Bradley

"Pupils can choose from a range of practical and interesting activities each half term, such as sports, crafts, cooking and gardening, where they work with pupils of all ages"

(Ofsted, November 2022)

"Through the 'University of Bradley' the school offers a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities."

(Ofsted, November 2021)

"A fantastic curriculum enhancement which is unique to our school" 

The University of Bradleys Both runs every Friday afternoon during term time from 1.45pm to 2.45pm.

The University of Bradleys Both is linked directly to our Positive Behaviour Policy.  Every member of our school earns their membership to our University each week for making the right choices and approaching school appropriately.  Every member of our school community begins each week with the full hour reward which is used each half term to complete a chosen module of fun learning.

The children will work in mixed age groups during their half termly modules and so will develop social skills and interactions with the other children, alongside developing and refining a new skill. 


Bradleys Both University Policy May 2023




Every member of our school earns their membership to our University each week for making the right choices and approaching school appropriately. Every member of our school community begins each week with the full hour reward which is used each half term to complete a chosen module of fun learning. Any unacceptable behaviour during the week will be reflected in children losing time to attend their University of Bradleys Both module. Children losing time will be expected to sit out of the activity and watch the rest of their group for the agreed period of time.

The children will work in mixed age groups during their half termly modules and so will develop social skills and interactions with the other children, alongside developing and refining a new skill.

The children will be asked to choose modules that they would ideally like to take part in. We ask that the children select three modules they would prefer to complete and then identify additional modules for the remaining half terms. Every consideration will be made to try to ensure that the children are able to complete their preferred module at some point in the year. 
