01535 633116


Welcome to Bradleys Both Governors' website page. 

"Governors know about the strengths of the school and provide support as critical friends"

(Ofsted, November 2022)

137068833_110595704274274_3519464250238154965_nBradleys Both Governing Body is made up of representatives of parents, staff and members of the local community. 

We are all volunteers with a wide range of experience and skills to ensure that we hold the school to account so children receive a high standard of education and further develop and improve the school. 

We all play an active role in strategic leadership, ethos and ensuring clarity and vision in school and supporting the work of the Headteacher and all staff members. 

In welcoming you to our school, it is our duty that all staff and Governors will work together in being successful in reaching our aspirations. 

Mrs Becky Stapleton, Chair of Governors - Bradleys Both Community Primary School

If you would like to contact our Governing Body for any reason please call 01535 633116 or email admin@bradleysboth.n-yorks.sch.uk

"Governors possess a range of skills and place a high priority on supporting school leaders". 

(Ofsted, November 2021) 

Our Governors

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Mrs Rebecca Stapleton, Chair of Governors

I joined the board in 2020 and was appointed chair in 2021. I have two children, one of which attends Bradleys Both School. 
I wanted to support the school to continue to improve and develop to ensure that all children have a positive school experience that is inclusive, diverse and reaches their own aspirations. 

Mrs Gemma Noller, Vice Chair of Governors

I am Gemma and I have two children at Bradleys Both. I live in Skipton and was so thrilled to find such a wonderful school I just wanted to give something back! I am a GP locally and so have experience in safeguarding and working in the public sector that I bring to the role.

Mrs Fran Hartley, Co-Opted Governor

I joined the board as a Parent Governor in 2018 when my oldest child was in Reception. I have 3 children, two of which are currently in the school. I chose Bradleys Both because I preferred its smaller size and the strong family ethos of the school. My children love attending this school and enjoy the breadth of the curriculum on offer. I volunteered to be a school Governor so that I could support the continued development of a school which I'm very proud to be a part of.

Mrs Jane Hitchcock, Co-Opted Governor

My daughter attended Bradley's Both School and enjoyed seven wonderful years here. It's great to be able to volunteer as a school governor, continue to be part of the school community and support the school to provide the best education for our young people. I have a varied background in teaching, corporate training and early years, and now currently working as a Speech & Language Therapy Assistant supporting families with babies & pre-schoolers.

Mrs Kris Bousfield, Staff Governor

I have been part of Bradleys School since 2016 as a volunteer one afternoon a week.  I joined the Governing Body in 2017, and also trained as a teacher.  I worked in another school in Leeds teaching Year 6 before returning to Bradleys Both.  For the first two years I taught Class 3, and this is now my third year teaching Class 5.  I am passionate about working with the Governing Body to try to achieve the best we can for our children, ensuring they get a high-quality education and experience throughout primary school.

Mrs Alison HItchen, Co-Opted Governor

Originally, I was a class teacher at Bradley School for almost 20 years and during that time took on the role of Designated Safeguarding Lead. The safety and wellbeing of all the pupils was vitally important to me and I believe a strength of our school. My own three children attended Bradley School which feels like a part of our family. Therefore, I was delighted, following retirement, to become a governor and continue my involvement in school life. As Safeguarding Governor, I hope to share my expertise and understanding of the role. It is also a real pleasure to spend time in school greeted by smiling faces from both the children and the staff.

Mrs Laura Morgan, Co-Opted Governor

Mr Paul Naisbitt Parent Governor

Mrs Carol Robertson, Co-Opted Governor

I joined the governing body in 2021 after taking early retirement. Bradleys Both School was the obvious choice of school for me since both my children attended the school and it feels like a good way to give a little back for the happy times and excellent education they received in school. It’s something that I have wanted to do for quite some time but life was just too busy until now.

With more than 35 years’ experience of working in education- across primary, secondary, special, sixth form, pupil referral units and outdoor centres- and in roles ranging from class teacher, SENCO, Head of English and Headteacher, I feel I have some useful knowledge and experience that I can bring to school.

I was appointed as SEND governor in May 2022 and have just taken on the additional role of English link governor, which I am looking forward to immensely.

Mr Barry Rogers, Headteacher

Mrs Katja Rudden, Adviser to Governors

Mr Stephen Dale, Clerk of Governors