Eco Class (Class 5)
Eco Class 5 is taught by Mrs Bousfield (Monday - Thursday) and Mr Rogers (Friday). Class 5 will be assisted by our school team of Teaching Assistants including Mrs Moroncini and Mrs Midgley.
This year's Class 5 is a mixed group of Year 5 and Year 6 children.
Class Routines
- Children arrive and complete their morning task. Just after 9am, register taken whilst children doing their task.
- Seating and partner work/group work arrangements.
- Library day Wednesday.
- Spelling tests Wednesdays (for most children).
- IXL homework given on Fridays with a week to complete.
- Reading expectation: 2.5 hours in total (minimum) at home. Needs to be signed off in their planner by an adult.
- Fortnightly project homework: science/art/history/geography.
- PE kits need to be brought to school on Wednesdays for Class PE. Children should come to school wearing their full school PE kit on Thursdays for their Year group PE session.
Class Teaching
- Eco Class work as a whole class every morning and on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.
- Science, History, Geography and RE are generally taught on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.
- On Friday afternoon we focus on teaching Personal Development which includes PSHCE, University of Bradley and our whole school Celebration Assembly.
Year Group Teaching
- On Monday afternoons the Year 6 children are taught as separate Year Groups for Music and Art / DT.
- On Thursday afternoons the Year 6 children are taught as separate Year Groups for Computing and Physical Education.
Termly Curriculum Newsletters
End of Half Term Curriculum Newsletters
Eco Class 5 End of Spring 1 Newsletter 2025
Eco Class 5 End of Autumn 2 Newsletter 2024
Eco Class 5 End of Autumn 1 Newsletter 2024
Eco Class 5 End of Summer 1 Newsletter 2024
Eco Class 5 End of Spring Newsletter 2024